Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lok Kawi Zoo

Sometimes, Facebook is not enough to share good things ( not bad things okay) . Today, i want to share another good things and i hope you guys enjoy with this. Photography is an art that never happen twice. We may capture the same things but the positioning or angle or frame maybe different!

Today, ( 31st July) i went to Lok Kawi Zoo with my sister and I would like to share few picture about the Zoo! Do not mad at me as you will see lots of Bird's photo because Bird photography is very-very interesting! This is inside the Bird Sanctuary and I tried my best to maintain the natural angle of Rainforest.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Enneycia , Vivo-Vino Cafe, KK Times Square

Random shots at Vino-Vino cafe KK Times Square
Model: Enneycia Doulus Julius